

初步研究采用了三种不同的天然感染共生体的A. pisum无性系101,132和302,并用抗生素对其进行治疗,检验共生体的效果。偏好已检测拟寄生物蚜虫喂养时在不同的寄主植物和在不同的密度,和结果总是相同的:拟寄生物a ervi显示增加吸引力释放的挥发物与蚜虫诱导的植物,a pisum内共生体h . defensa。



1.根据初步数据可知,在双室嗅觉仪中,携带共生防御体Hamiltonella defensa的蚜虫诱导的植株对拟寄生物Aphidius ervi的吸引力较小。当比较有共生和无共生的蚜虫诱导的植株的吸引力时,即使携带共生的蚜虫诱导的植株受到两倍数量蚜虫的侵染,也显示出这种偏好。在此,我们想进一步探讨蚜虫密度对嗅觉器官类寄生虫吸引力的影响。我们将评估一只成年蚜虫携带的共生体的最小数量,与10只不携带共生体的成年蚜虫诱导的植物相比,该共生体能触发具有类似黄蜂吸引力的响应。

2.在微型笼子中,蚜虫是否可以通过HIPV减少吸引力而获益?特别是,我们假设,与以前用无共生体蚜虫诱导的植物蚜虫相比,用有共生体蚜虫诱导的植物蚜虫受到拟寄生物A. ervi的攻击较少。

新西兰essay代写 :天然感染共生体的研究

Primary research used three different A. pisum clones 101,132 and 302, which are naturally infested with the symbiont and tested the effect of the symbiont by curing them with antibiotics. The preference has been tested for parasitoids when the aphids were feeding on different host plants and in different densities, and results were always the same: parasitoid A. ervi showed increased attraction to volatiles emitted from the plant that were induced with the aphid, A. pisum without the endosymbiont H. defensa.
My hypothesis based on preliminary results will be that aphid with symbiont feed on the plant which will be induced and attractive wasps less than the plant induced by aphids without symbionts. With the density of aphids with higher level of symbiont, the level of attracting wasps will be lower.
Research Questions

  1. Based on preliminary data what can be known is that in a two chamber olfactometer, plants induced with aphids carrying the symbiont Hamiltonella defensa are less attractive to the parasitoid Aphidius ervi. When comparing attraction of plants induced with aphids with and without the symbiont, this preference was shown even when the plants induced with aphids carrying the symbiont were infested with twice the amount of aphids. Here we want to further explore the effect of aphid density on parasitoid attraction in the olfactomemter. We will assess the minimum amount of symbiont being carried by an adult aphid that trigger a response with similar wasp attraction when compared to plants induced with 10 adult aphids without the symbiont.
  2. In microcosm cages, can aphids benefit from reduced attraction by means of HIPV? In particular, we hypothesis that in comparison to aphids in plants that have been previously induced with aphids without the symbiont, aphids in plants induced with aphids with the symbiont will suffer less attacks by the parasitoid A. ervi.
