

  本篇新西兰论文代写-星巴克的商业模式讲了星巴克于2000年进入澳大利亚,当时星巴克在美国的业务已经取得了成功,并正在被公认为一个全球品牌。然而,星巴克在澳大利亚遭遇了很多失败,因为很多当地的咖啡师给星巴克带来了激烈的竞争。现在这份报告已经准备好为星巴克的重新进入提供一个商业计划。该报告确定了星巴克必须致力于创造价值的形式,以确保其在澳大利亚的顾客满意。本篇新西兰论文代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Customer Profile: Now according to the Value proposition Canvas, the customers are living in a stable political, economic and social setup. However, the economic recessions of 2010 have made consumers more constrained in choices. In customer jobs, it could be said saving money has become a primary intent. However, consumers also expect to share a coffee, relax and have fun, and this is the social profile with respect to customer jobs. Their pain is to manage both. They would like to enjoy good coffee at reasonable prices, and when possible even at their work stations. When they are not able to do so, it adds to the pain segment (Refer to diagram). If they are able to conveniently have access to their coffee, or order it on the run and pick up their favourite flavours without a moment wasted, it would be a gain.

  Value Proposition: Value proposition is created in terms of online to offline activities. Firstly, the gain creation is in terms of solving time constrains of the customer in getting good coffee with relatively short service time and economic means. The pain of customer in integrating both is reduced. The product in itself includes both Australian beverages and Starbucks specific flavours thus satisfying diverse tastes.


  The entry of Starbucks in the Australian country in 2000 was a time when the business had achieved success in its American operations and was already on its way to being recognized as a global brand. However, Starbucks suffered much failure in Australia as much of the local baristas offered a stiff competition to Starbucks. Now this report has been prepared to present a business plan for Starbucks for its re-entry. The report identified the form of value creations that Starbucks has to work on in order to ensure its customers in Australia are satisfied. As such Starbucks is keen to avoid the same issue that caused the failure in the first place. The use of these strategies with continuous feedback for innovation will hence be significant here. By using a combination of optimized mode of transport and optimized routes, Starbucks will be a pioneer when it comes to coffee delivery in Australia when it makes use of the online to offline delivery model. The food and beverage industry is a high demand industry and Starbucks would be able to target a niche segment. With time, online to offline is expected to drive more customers to offline locations for the authentic Starbucks experience. In the context of intensive competitive pressures, this initiative would help move Starbucks from the questions quadrant of the BCG matrix to the stars and cash cows over time.
