

  本篇新西兰论文代写-压力管理报告讲了包括沃尔玛、微软和大都会保险在内的许多公司都采取了激烈的措施来对抗他们组织内部的压力因素,了解他们在对抗这种邪恶的组织运作方式是很有趣的。许多公司直接采取措施,直接攻击文化和压力的反应因素,这包括更多地关注每个人的行为以及他们的个性因素(Selye, 2011)。通过这样做,许多组织正在开发适合于管理员工或工人内部压力问题的模型。本篇新西兰论文代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Organizational Response

  Today all of the organizations in the respective industrial sector are aware of this critical situation. Many of the corporate are now spending a huge amount of their resources in order to overcome this factor, since it is affecting the organization not only in its internal-environment, but also on the overall productivity of the company (Selye, 2011).

  Many of the companies including Walmart, Microsoft and MetLife Insurance have taken drastic measures to fight the stress factor within their organization, and also it is interesting to understand their organizational modus operandi in fighting this evil. Many of the firms are taking direct step to attack the cultural and responsive factor of the stress directly, and this includes putting more focus on each and every individual for their behavior as well as their personality factor (Selye, 2011). By doing this, many of the organizations are developing models which are suitable for managing stress issues within their employees or workers. Even though many times these models were failure, through many trial and error, it becomes perfected for its implementation throughout. Once this model is developed and proved success, it is then carried out further for their implementation within the organization’s internal and external environments. In this way, many of the firm’s have successfully adopted models which then bought down the graph of stress level to a tremendous degree (Selye, 2011).

  Another approach made by the firms, and that include DHL, recently was to focus the problem through all of their hierarchies of administrative-managerial level. By doing this, they could identify and integrate objectives and goals of each and every position in an organization; hence, by doing this, the company can equally divide responsibilities to every level by reducing work stress in a tremendous way. So by assigning the respective responsibilities, everyone will have their space to work-out their objectives without much stress. Hence, this has proved as one of the most effective approach, also an effective response from organizations around the world against stress.
