

  本篇新西兰论文代写-中层营销管理规划框架讲了中层营销管理和规划框架分为四个不同的类别,如战略计划、战术计划、运营计划和应急计划。Comvita根据情况使用所有这四种规划方法(Gannabathula, 2010)。战略计划是最常见的,因为业务更侧重于长期的改进。战术和操作计划仅在产品营销极其必要时使用。应急或应急计划很少使用,因为Comvita产品通常不太关注应急参数。本篇新西兰论文代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Middle marketing management planning framework

  The middle marketing management and the planning framework varies into four distinct categories like the strategic plans, the tactical plans, the operational plans and the contingency plans. All the four types of planning approach are used by Comvita depending on the situation (Gannabathula, 2010). The strategic plan is the most common because the business focuses more on long term improvement. The tactical and operational plans are only used when extremely necessary for the marketing of a product. The contingency or the emergency plan is very rarely used because the Comvita products generally do not focus much on the emergency parameters.

  Primary demand analysis

  Sales and distribution systems and channel structures

  The primary demand of the honey sector is completely at par with the distribution channels used for the marketing of the product. There are two main types of distribution channel for all industries which are the business to business distribution and the business to consumer distribution. The second one is a part of sales while the first one becomes a part of marketing (Pringle, 2014). The associated companies of Comvita are Comvita Asia Limited, Comvita Japan Limited and Apimed Medical Honey Limited. These all can be considered as business to business distribution channels for Comvita. The honey products that are sold in New Zealand are all by direct channels whereas the global trade occurs by indirect channels.

  Channel integration

  Integration of the direct and indirect distribution channels holds very high importance in marketing. The primary product of the company is honey and different medicated products of honey. As wellness and health are people’s first priority, many products are launched by keeping the primary demand of the honey market constant (Comvita.com, 2015). The indirect distribution channels like Apimed Medicated Honey Limited also deals with the same product made by Comvita. The entrepreneur who created Comvita used to suffer much from ill health during his youth. The reason is that he thought a wellness product would be a good option for business.

  Sales and distribution programme objectives and appeals

  Honey has got its worldwide reputation as a food product that holds medical importance. Several medicines are available in the market manufactured with the help of this food product. The distribution programme of Comvita comes from the demand of natural honey in New Zealand. Comvita forms a tie with various companies dealing in medicines and other herbal products. The products are then sold to the distribution channels which supply the products to the public (Wu, 2011). The goal of the distribution of honey products is the increase of wellbeing among the public.
