

  本篇新西兰论文代写-种植体和真牙之间的关系讲了在植牙和真牙之间存在着一种复杂的关系。研究发现,在部分齿状颌中存在复杂的载荷分布。在许多病例中,单纯种植保留或单纯牙齿保留修复的成功率更高(7)。在这些不同类型的病例中,有些修复是不可能的。需要牙齿和种植体,它们必须是刚性的,否则可能会出现假牙的技术问题。本篇新西兰论文代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Relationship between the Implant and Real Teeth

  There is an intricate relationship that is found to exist between the implant and the real teeth. A complex distribution of load is found to exist in the partially dentate jaws. In many of the cases, there are higher success rates in the case of purely implant-retained or pure tooth-retained restorations (7). In these separate types, there are restorations that are not possible. There is a need for teeth and implants which must be rigid otherwise there is tooth intrusions of technical issues with the denture that can occur. The load distribution is found to be different with the tooth/implant-supported prostheses. These need to be compared with the pure teeth or implant restorations. This is done owing to the anchorage anatomy of teeth and the implants (8). Anchorage elements of the teeth in general do not act as stabilization elements for the implant in the constructions. These are involved in the implant process only. The implant-retained dentures and the periodontal-involved teeth are found to be splinted by the load distribution along with the splint. The maximum force is found to exist in the system and is dependent on the residual natural teeth (16). This is found to be much lower than the traditional prosthetic treatment that exists in the natural dentition process. In these cases, there are higher bite forces that exist in the implant restorations. In this schema, another important factor is the overloading. These have been detailed in the following analysis.


  The cases of excessive loading of teeth are embedded in the dental deformities. In most cases, it is found to exist in the incorrect placement or the restorative treatment of the teeth. In these cases, the teeth exceed the physiological limits (9). There is high intensity and frequency of act on the teeth. There is found to be traumatogenic occlusion. The occlusion trauma is the state of excessive loading that is found in the structure of the elements. In the cases of frequent reversible increases there is tooth mobility and irreversible bone resorption. In the cases of overloading of the implants, there is incorrect distribution of force in the static and dynamic occlusion. This is evident through the crestal bone resorption. There is screw loosening and fracture that is found in the materials. These are evident in the above-average wear of the prosthesis. In order to comprehend these analogies, there is a fundamental need to understand about the impact of the occlusal force and its relationship with the craniofacial muscles. These are explained in the following.
