

在协议期间,索尼同意为下一部詹姆斯·邦德电影提供一半的投资。邦德电影一直以明星(参照BCG matrix)为制片公司。索尼在投资这部电影上冒了很大的风险,因为他们只能从这部电影中获得25%的利润。索尼影视娱乐公司在与米高梅达成这一协议时陷入了米高梅的恶性循环,他们不得不遵循这一协议。在这方面,索尼没有从这笔交易中受益。与此同时,由于索尼和米高梅的合作,市场上的竞争也降低了,现在可以在市场上形成垄断。华纳兄弟仍然出现在市场,但协同是索尼影视娱乐(弗里茨,2013年)。每一笔商业交易、合并或收购都伴随着挑战和威胁,但公司如何在运用独特战略的同时走出困境,才是主要因素。当两家公司都评估员工和客户的需求,不放弃客户和员工的期望时,成功就来了。公司管理他们的员工,并把他们作为公司的强大资产,可以应付任何情况。索尼影视娱乐公司以尽可能好的方式管理员工和使用他们的金融资产(Kunz, 2007)。

在索尼影视娱乐公司给米高梅公司50亿美元后,米高梅已经还清了所有债务。这次收购并不是一次完整的收购,因为米高梅仍在使用自己的名字,并向索尼影视娱乐(Sony pictures entertainment)、康卡斯特(Comcast)和TGM授予了少量合作和发行权。他们在市场上仍然有很好的声誉。可以说,米高梅从这次合作中获得了巨大的收益,因为索尼影视娱乐公司以较低的投资回报率和利润投资米高梅的各种项目。索尼只是受益于这种合作关系的形式,利用米高梅进入这个市场,并进一步与米高梅的项目(Sarniske, 2005)。同样,当米高梅走出破产的阴影时,该公司的首席执行官们也把5亿美元的信贷安排作为他们的首要任务。由于公司文化的变化和高层管理的不公平做法,许多员工被解雇了。公司的员工注意到,公司的最高管理层并没有将这笔钱用于未来的投资,而是将这笔钱用于确保他们的未来(Kunz, 2007)。在这方面,米高梅利用了索尼电影娱乐公司(Sony pictures entertainment)的优势,因为他们把自己的投资用于大型项目,而公司的其他投资也获得了贷款。米高梅的文化在这方面受到了并购协议的操纵,因为很多员工离职了。另一方面,索尼影视娱乐公司成功地维持了公司的文化,因为他们为这个部门分配了新员工。他们仔细分析了市场形势,并作出了相应的反应。

新西兰论文 :关于索尼合并收购的讨论分析

During the agreement, Sony agreed to fund half of the investment for the next James Bond movie. Bond films have always been as stars (referring to BCG matrix) for the production company. Sony has taken a big risk for investing in this film because they will only get 25% of the profit from this film. Sony pictures entertainment was trapped in the vicious cycle of MGM while making this deal and they had to follow this deal. Sony has not benefited from this deal in this context. Along with this aspect, competition has lowered in the market because SONY and MGM have collaborated together and now monopoly can be created in the market. Warner Brothers are still presented in the market but Synergy is presented to Sony pictures entertainment (Fritz, 2013). Every business deal or mergers or acquisitions come with challenges and threats, but how the company comes out of it while using unique strategies is the main element. Success comes when both the companies estimate the needs of their employees and customers and do not let go the expectations of their customers and employees. Companies managing their employees and taking them as a strong asset of the company can deal with any situation. Sony pictures entertainment has managed their employees and used their financial assets in the best possible manner (Kunz, 2007).
After Sony pictures entertainment gave MGM USD 5 billion, they were out of their debt by paying all their debts. This acquisition was not a full acquisition because MGM still uses its name and has given partnership and distribution rights to Sony pictures entertainment, Comcast and TGM in a small amount. They still have a strong name in the market. It can be said that MGM has hugely benefited from the partnership because Sony pictures entertainment has invested in various projects of MGM at a low return on investment and profit. Sony has only benefited from this partnership in the form of using MGM to enter in this market and moving further with the projects of MGM (Sarniske, 2005). Also when MGM emerged from the bankruptcy, chief executives of the company secured $500 million in the credit facility as their top priorities. Many employees of the company were laid off because of cultural changes in the company and unfair practices of top management. Employees of the company noticed this fact that the top management of the company was not using this money for future investments but they were using this money for securing their future (Kunz, 2007). MGM has taken advantage of Sony pictures entertainment in this regard, because they have used their investments for big projects, and other investments by the company have been credited. Culture of MGM was manipulated with this merger acquisition agreement in this regard, because many employees left their jobs. On the other hand, Sony pictures entertainment was successful in maintaining the culture of this company because they allocated new employees for this segment. They analyzed the situation of the market closely and responded accordingly.
