

澳大利亚会计准则委员会规定,投资于其他实体并对这些被投资方拥有绝对控制权的母公司有义务编制合并财务报表。合并母公司及其附属公司的财务报表的目的,主要是为了母公司的有关利益相关者的利益,报告集团作为单一经济实体的业绩和财务状况。根据AASB 10,评估控制有三个决定因素,即对被投资对象的权力,与被投资对象的绩效相一致的可变回报的暴露,以及最后使用权力影响这些回报的能力。一般而言,获得控制权的通常机制是多数投票权的所有权(例如,联邦银行(CBA)在2008年收购了西澳大利亚银行(Bank of Western Australia Limited,简称“Bankwest”)和圣安德鲁澳大利亚有限公司(St Andrew’s Australia Pty Ltd,简称“St Andrew’s”)100%的股本。

新西兰论文没过怎么办 :合并财务报表的目的和重要性

这可能包括在给定期间保留的收益(Davis and Largay, 2008)。股东权益可能存在的金额,实际上是通过公司总资产取得的金额。这实际上不包括负债,如公司的净值。公司的财务报表对于公司资产的调整和了解是非常重要的。这有助于提供大量的财务信息,这些信息可用于评价公司的财务业绩(Taylor et al, 1993)。合并财务报表也非常重要,因为它有助于管理层与可能对公司感兴趣的外部各方进行沟通。财务报表的另一个重要作用是它有助于对公司的财务状况进行分析(Casabona et al., 2002)。公司的这些财务状况可能是不同投资者和债权人最关心的问题。这些投资者和债权人可能依赖于公司中可能存在的投资的安全性和盈利能力。

新西兰论文没过怎么办 :合并财务报表的目的和重要性

A parent company investing in other entities and having absolute control over those investees are obliged by the Australian Accounting Standards Board to prepare consolidated financial statements. The purpose of combining the financial statements of the parent firm and its subsidiaries is to report, principally for the benefit of concerned stakeholders of a parent, the performance and the financial position of the group were a single economic entity.According to AASB 10, there are three determinants of assessing control, which are the power over the investees, the exposure to variable returns aligned with investees’ performance and finally the ability to use the power to affect those returns. In general, the usual mechanism to obtain control is ownership of majority voting rights (e.g. the case of Commonwealth Bank (hereinafter referred to as “CBA”) acquiring100% of the share capital of Bank of Western Australia Limited (“Bankwest”) and St Andrew’s Australia Pty Ltd (“St Andrew’s”) in 2008).

新西兰论文没过怎么办 :合并财务报表的目的和重要性

This may include the earnings which have been retained during a given period (Davis and Largay, 2008). The amount which may be there with the shareholders equity is actually the amount that is obtained with the help of the total assets of the company. This does not actually include the liabilities such as the net worth of the company. Financial statements of the company are very important for the adjustment and understanding of the assets of the company. This helps to provide the large number of financial information which may be used for the evaluation related to the financial performance of the company (Taylor et al, 1993). The consolidated financial statements are also very important as they help the management to do the communication with the outside parties which may be interested in the company. The other importance of the financial statements is that it helps in doing the analysis of the financial conditions of the company (Casabona et al., 2002). These financial conditions of the company may prove to be the most important concern for the different investors and the creditors. These investors and the creditors may rely on the safety and the profitability of the investment which may be there in the company.
