





TOPIC: Select a group of significant journalistic stories, at least 3 to 5 of them. Follow how the stories were covered by different types of journalistic media including legacy media, social media, and cable (opinioned) media. Use excerpts from the stories to illustrate your points. Secondary sources should be used to set up the discussion of media coverage by different types of media.
I recently read an article in Aviation Week & Space Technology that talked about the Hubble space telescope and how risky its mission was. It didn’t give me all of the information I needed, so I went to the magazine’s Internet site to find out more about my sudden interest. As I was looking on the Internet, I found that the print article and the Internet story had some similarities and differences. The print article was interesting, but overall I think that the Internet article was the better resource tool. Then I stumbled upon the same news article through cable media which was in the form of a downloaded telecast (Ucinski, 2009). There are a few similarities between the Internet source and the magazine source. One obvious likeness is that they are both texts for reading. You have to read the story in the magazine or read the text on your computer screen. In the magazine, there was the whole story and captions with small pictures. When I went to the Internet, I read the story, an interview, and a description of a big picture they had posted. Also, both resources cover about the same basic information. Because there is only one story to tell, there aren’t many possible variations of it; therefore, the two versions are extremely similar. Even though both sources tell the same story, how the two sources portray it gets the audience’s attention, the media like to use pictures and interviews to catch the interest of the reader.