




新西兰美洲研究论文代写 :设计意境中的颜色和形状

一个形状是由一条线创建的封闭区域形成的。它总是在边界的帮助下定义,并更具体地用于在页面的一部分施加压力(Lawson, 2006)。在设计的语境中,形状可以看作是所有元素的组合,这些元素的组合是为了创造设计项目的图标或符号。不同的形状也有不同的含义。棱角分明的形状代表阳刚之气,天鹅绒般柔顺、曲线优美的形状代表女性气质,如圆形。正方形的形状代表安全、可靠和稳定。相反,圆形的形状也描绘了有机、完整、坚不可摧等元素,有助于传达统一性。

新西兰美洲研究论文代写 :设计意境中的颜色和形状

A shape is formed with the help of the enclosed area which is created by a line. It is always defined with the help of boundaries and more specifically used for laying stress on one portion of the page (Lawson, 2006). In the context of design, shapes can be regarded as the combination of all the elements which are combined for the creation of icons or symbols for the project of design. Different shapes also depict different meanings. The shapes which are angular depict masculinity and velvety and curvy shapes depict such as circles depict femininity. The shapes which are square depict security, trustworthiness and stability. On the contrary, the circular shapes also depict the elements such as organic, complete, indestructible, and helps to communicate unity.

新西兰美洲研究论文代写 :设计意境中的颜色和形状

Color impacts the mood of the visual design. It represents different emotions and personalities. The use of different colors depicts different emotions for instance, the use of color red means anger, love, passion or strong desire. On the contrary, the use of color blue depicts serenity, peace and security.
Color is an effective contributor of the series of flyers and lays stress on the information which is most fittingly conveyed by other visual factors. The use of color stands apart from other things and it acts as the supporting factor or enhances the background of anything. It impacts the shapes, lines and fonts of the texture of the art piece. The most commonly used form of color is individual approach. The combination of two colors happens only when there is an understanding of the psychological implication of the visual appearance.