

加速度恒定的物体的动力学运动是由牛顿第二运动定律给出的。运动的第二定律是一种二次方程,它的图形是抛物线。这个实验的重点是了解汽车在斜坡上被推起时的物体位置、速度和加速度数据。对给定物体的速度和位置进行了时间分析。在恒定加速度作用下,物体以重力运动(Feynman, Leighton and Sands, 2005)。

其中X =位置,v =速度,a =加速度,t =时间

新西兰社会工作论文代写 :恒定加速的物体动力学


本实验采用计算机、游标运动检测器、游标计算机界面和Logger Pro软件对物体在坡道上运动时的数据进行查找。在这个斜坡上,困难在于控制运动,因此物体被推得很慢。


新西兰社会工作论文代写 :恒定加速的物体动力学

The kinetic motion for an object with constant acceleration is given by the second law of motion by Newton. The second law of motion is kind of quadratic equation whose graph is parabola. The focus of this experiment is to understand the object position, velocity, and acceleration data as the car is pushed up on the ramp. The time analysis is done for velocity and position for the given object. The object under the constant acceleration moves with gravity force (Feynman, Leighton and Sands, 2005).

Where X = Position, v = velocity, a = acceleration and t = time

新西兰社会工作论文代写 :恒定加速的物体动力学

This experiment follows the above equation to identify the position vs time and Velocity vs time data.
In this experiment the computer, Vernier motion detector, Vernier computer interface and Logger Pro were used to find the data when the object moves on the ramp. On this ramp the difficulty was in controlling the motion and hence the object was pushed quite slow.

Initially, the position is measured and time to get position vs time graph and after a small push the velocity is detected with time and velocity vs time graph is obtained. The acceleration in all the motion is the gravity acceleration.
