



新西兰社会学论文代写 :青年失业的社会问题分析

根据日本的就业市场,稳定的固定工人的高收入是高度一致的。然而,失业者缺乏经验、技能和积极的态度,雇主会对他们的工作能力和产生显著生产力的能力产生负面信号。例如,根据Scarpetta, Sonnet和Manfredi(2010)的研究,雇主不愿意雇佣长期失业的人,导致长期失业的年轻人停止寻找工作(p. 36)。失业的类型也受到家庭类型的影响,因为他们中的许多人是辍学者和大学辍学者。

新西兰社会学论文代写 :青年失业的社会问题分析

The problem of unemployment in youth in the country like Japan is considered as a social problem, as it related to various social aspects. Rate of unemployment increased in Japan since the recession of 1990’s. However, many empirical studies state that rate of unemployment of youth is lesser than many other Western Countries.

新西兰社会学论文代写 :青年失业的社会问题分析

According to Job Market of Japan, it is highly consistent in paying high incomes to the stable and regular workers. However, jobless people lack in experience, skills and positive attitudes and the employers get negative signals about the capability to work and generate significant productivity. For example, according to study of Scarpetta, Sonnet and Manfredi (2010), employers hesitate to hire the long term jobless people, due to which the youth who are jobless for long time stop searching jobs (p. 36). The type of joblessness is also affected by the type of households, as many of them are school dropouts and collage dropouts.