





Biodiversity refers to the variations of life in the ecosystem within a planet or an area. In this biodiversity, we have different types of species that includes birds, animals, plants, human beings etc. Further, we have divided the species of animals into herbivores, carnivores and omnivorous. In this project, we will take up the carnivores animals and we will discuss about them in detail. We will discuss about how being at the upper most position of almost every food chain, how the carnivores animals, in which human beings are included, have affected the balance of biodiversity. We will study about whether carnivores are actually responsible for the imbalance of the biodiversity, to what extent are we affecting or we can say carnivores are affecting the biodiversity and also about what can be done in order to keep the biodiversity in balance. We have also discussed about how the time has changed when once there were large animals who were called as the largest omnivores to the time when this place has been taken by the human beings and now they are the largest carnivores of the world that take up th etop most position of almost every food chain.

Consider the chart given below where it is clearly shown the consumption of meats in the most largest and popular countries of the world.
We can clearly see that even in the most popular and largest countries, human beings are meant to be the largest carnivores as they consume the meat of almost each kind of animal, whether it is an herbivore, carnivore or an omnivore (Ripple et. al., 2001). So, human beings are due at the upper most positions of almost every food chain wherever carnivores and omnivorous animals are involved.