新西兰硕士论文代写 测量


Various tools and models will be included in order to make a systematic process of research and finding the data, analyzing, and reporting. Primary as well as secondary data collection method will be used in this study to support the research objectives and topic. In order to find out the research problems, qualitative and quantitative approach will be used.

Measurement scales would be used to formulate the data in this research. Measurement process will include various elements such as identifying the dimensions and variables representing the concept; creating indicators based on the past theoretical research and position; and specifying the relationship between the indicators or variables.
There is a simple perception among the consumers that branding is associated with the marketing communications strategies of the company where spending is huge. Several factors of advertising and expenditures made on it as the most significant tool of marketing communications in the consumer market will be considered when while determining the impacts of marketing. Primary Research
