新西兰硕士论文代写 劳动和资本


The country island was selected where the capital and labour were normally balanced because more capital and less labour will take more time to build the island and as in reverse the more labour and less capital will cause issue after sometime. This particular country was selected because the balanced labour and capital will fulfill the requirement for the given time and efficiently. Another fact is that for working labour there is need of the sufficient fund and also the time given can be applied to complete the island work easily within time. For trading partner the island was selected where the sufficient fund was available such as Blue Island because as there were enough labour in the island but there was need of the money for that so it was suitable. The labour of this country can be used to work to build the island but after some time the island may need some fund and other island may need some labour from the island so both requirements can be fulfilled and trading can be done for a better purpose. The welfare was increased in order to give the sufficient trading options and good environment to the labor of the country as everything depends on the perfect working and living environment of the country which might need the engagement to the international trade for it.写