


Melton Estate已经意识到,客户在经济方面对组织有不同的价值,随后这些沟通策略和客户产品也相应地进行了调整。许多研究人员已经证明,当管理者的重点是最大化客户感知的价值时,实施CRM活动有助于提高公司的绩效。顾客细分是顾客感知价值最大化的基础。有20%的客户群产生,这进一步为产生80%的利润提供了空间。

新西兰心理学论文代写 :顾客细分优势和劣势


新西兰心理学论文代写 :顾客细分优势和劣势

Melton Estate has realized that customers have different values in terms of economy for the organization and there is subsequent adaptation of these communications strategy and customer offerings accordingly . It has been demonstrated by a number of researchers that implementing the activities of CRM helps in generating improved performance in the company when the focus of managers is to maximize the value perceived by the customers. Customer segmentation can be considered as the fundamental base for maximizing the value perceived by the customers. There is generation of customer base at 20 per cent which further provides scopes for the generation of 80 per cent of the profits .

新西兰心理学论文代写 :顾客细分优势和劣势

Key focus is on evaluating and selecting segmentations for establishing and designing various strategies for maximizing the value enjoyed by the customers. Segmentation plays a crucial role to simplify the mess complexities of the customer market. It is crucial to deal with several individual customers, having different potential values and needs. Traditional methods of customer segmentations focused on experientially classifying or simply statistically presenting datas. This is done in accordance with the simple attribute of behavior like the region targeted or the purchase product category .