



新西兰新闻学论文代写 :公司适用相关法律和保护意义


新西兰新闻学论文代写 :公司适用相关法律和保护意义

The relevant laws which had been applied to these companies included the laws related to the ‘competition and consumer protection act, 2010’. The legal proceedings related to these had been brought down by Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). The judges from ACCC had also expressed their concerns related to the maximization of the penalties which have been levied on these companies. The ACCC is also trying to ensure that there should be a greater fine for the breach of the competition laws over the companies.

新西兰新闻学论文代写 :公司适用相关法律和保护意义

There is a great significant for the laws which are related to the consumer protection. This is because it helps in the maintenance and the promotion of the competition and provides the remedies for the failure in the market. Secondly, it helps in the protection of the interests and the overall safety of the consumers. Thirdly, it helps in supporting a fair trade in the market. Fourthly, it helps in the promotion of the economic and efficient operation of the monopoly which is done in the infrastructure. Thus, it helps in doing the promotion of consumer protection.