

麦当劳可以考虑采用的另一个动机理论是赫茨伯格的两个因素理论。在这种情况下,可以激励员工的因素被认为是激励因素,而其他因素是卫生因素。在麦当劳,激励因素被认为是带来员工的满意度。员工从绩效中获得的奖励和未来发展的机会是激励员工的因素,确保了公司能够留住员工。该激励理论已经被应用于考虑能够激励员工的因素,并将这些因素运用到公司的战略发展中(Hossain and Hossain, 2012)。如前所述,员工已经同意这些因素对公司的员工是可用的。人力资源政策和流程的制定考虑到了这些方面。这是公司吸引和留住员工以及保持潜在领导人才库的基础。




Another motivation theory that can be considered to be employed at McDonald’s is Herzberg’s two factors Theory. In this, the factors that can motivate the workers are considered as motivators while others are hygiene factors. At McDonalds, the motivators are considered to be bringing in the satisfaction of the employees. The rewards that the employee are given from performance and the opportunities that are there for future development act as the motivators and have ensured that the company is able to retain the employees. This motivation theory has been applied considering the factors that can motivate the employees and employing these in the development of strategy by the company (Hossain and Hossain, 2012). As mentioned, the employees have agreed that these factors are available for the employees in the company. The HR policies and processes have been developed considering these aspects. This has been the basis for the attraction & retention of staff and maintaining pool of potential leaders in the company.


It has been observed that the recognition of the employee efforts is extensively employed by McDonald’s ensuring that the high level needs of employees are satisfied as well as the low level needs are considered by McDonald’s for different set of employees. At store level, the higher levels of needs are considered while at corporate level low level of needs is considered for the motivation of employees. The reward system has been designed accordingly wherein recognition of efforts and publishing in employee magazine satisfies the belongingness needs while the physiological needs are satisfied at corporate level . Apart from this, the training and development of employees at all levels ensure that the other needs are also fulfilled.
