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  本篇新西兰艺术与设计论文代写-中国的领导模式讲了中国的领导模式会随着文化背景的变化而变化,因为中国的领导方式与新西兰奥特罗瓦的领导方式不同。本章题为“情境化领导”,对中国文化背景下的领导进行分析,并将其与新西兰奥特里亚/新西兰的情况进行比较,以找出两种文化背景下领导的异同。本篇新西兰艺术与设计论文代写由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Description of leadership in the context of China

  It is found from the personal experience that the leadership in China is substantially different from the leadership in New Zealand. This can be taken into account as I experienced the system of guanxi in China wherein my father was subject to the mutual obligations of the other traders. This is found to be common in the business of clothing and both trust and reciprocity was required to perform the business activities within the nation. The system of guanxi is not written in nature due to which a majority of the individuals both Chinese and Western are at times subject to the unwillingness among the people to do the business. It is found that the development of guanxi is important for the objective of achieving the position of leader either in the society or within the business owned by the individual.

  Relevant insight about the organizational leadership in China

  The five aspects that are critical to the leadership in China are necessary to be regarded. These aspects are face, guanxi, Confucian, and time is money and indirect communication (Bathurst and Edwards, 2011). The ancient philosophies and principles of leadership are followed by the leaders in China wherein the weak pretext of the business or social function is equivalent to the loss of face in public for the individual which is viewed to be worse than death within the Chinese culture.

  Brief preview of the chapter

  It is to note that the paradigms of leadership change with the cultural context due to which the manner in which leadership takes place in China is different from the leadership situation in the Aotearoa, New Zealand. This chapter entitled as contextualising leadership undertakes the analysis of the leadership within the cultural context of China and comparing it to the situation of the Aotearoa/New Zealand in order to find out the differences and similarities within the leadership across both cultural contexts.
