


腐败以各种形式存在于我们现代社会的各个领域。正如马基雅维利(Niccolo Machiavelli)的名言所说:“权力导致腐败,绝对权力导致绝对腐败”,他宣称,权力带来的不可避免的后果之一就是腐败。伴随权威地位或财富而来的权力越大,腐败现象就越严重。在公共领域,权力掌握在政府机构和推动国家经济的大公司手中。当这些实体发生变化和发展时,公共领域腐败的可能性就会上升。

新西兰英语语言研究论文代写 :公共领域的腐败


新西兰英语语言研究论文代写 :公共领域的腐败

The corruption is present in several spheres of our modern society in numerable forms. As famously said by Niccolo Machiavelli that “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely”, proclaims one of the unavoidable consequence that comes with the power is corruption. The greater is the power that comes along with an authoritative position or wealth, the greater is the rise in corruption. In public spheres, the power lies with the government bodies and big companies that drive the economy of the country. When there are changes and developments in any of these entities, the chances of corruption in public sphere rises.

新西兰英语语言研究论文代写 :公共领域的腐败

Especially, when there are collaborations among the government bodies and business corporations take place which have direct implications on the lives of the common man of the country. The decisions with respect to the flow of power or money are as affected by these collaborations become the root cause of corruption in the public sphere. The presence of corruption in the system of governance or business is not specific to any one political party or industry. However, corruption stems and thrives from the secrecy, lack of transparency and fear that the power assimilates (Adams, no date).