

艺术是一个非常不同的人类活动导致视觉媒体像绘画、雕塑、版画、摄影。从更广泛的意义上讲,艺术包括音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、电影。这些可以被描述为表演艺术。艺术是创造并享受世界各地的人由于各种原因。艺术延伸和enablesacommon视觉语言。这种语言意味着没有字,没有语言和能够影响大众。每个艺术可能意味着不同的不同的个体。蒙娜丽莎的列奥纳多·达·芬奇是最好的例子。列奥纳多·达·芬奇是最著名和最谈的艺术家之一。有许多著名的中国现代画家包括Chang Ta Chien,HuangBinhong,齐白石,潘Tianshou,吴Changshi,傅Baoshi,徐悲鸿、WangKangle和张Chongren。所有的艺术家被提升为社会现实主义。大部分的工作反映了农民的生活和社会工作者(Clunas,c . 1994)。似乎也在1990年代初政府干涉艺术家。艺术家们创建绘画对政府并逮捕了哲学的惩罚。有许多当代视觉艺术家包括香港白鳍豚,LuShengzhong,马六明,QiuShihhua,宋董,Lei,克里斯汀,王广义,WendaGu,徐冰,杨志超,詹Wang ZhengLianjie,张大理,艾未未,CaiGuoqiang、方力钧、FuWenjun,黄,黄永平,韩娅娟,ZhouChunya,ZhuYu,马Kelu方舟子,张晓刚,张洹,商鞅。Abanindranath泰戈尔(1871 – 1951),被公认为现代印度之父艺术。他介绍了修订后的亚洲艺术。他联合艺术与民族主义和创建了一个新的效果。他在孟加拉成立艺术学院。泰戈尔家族的其他艺术家,像泰戈尔(1861 – 1941)和Gaganendranath泰戈尔(1867 – 1938)以及20世纪初的一些新的艺术家如仙露Sher-Gil(1913 – 1941),他们负责includingunique西方风格进入印度艺术和充满新奇。有一些艺术家主要是受民间传统。一些艺术家Jamini罗伊,后来萨达姆政权Raza。独立后的前卫艺术家的集团是由六个艺术家h·a·盖德中频侯赛因,k . h . Ara s . k . Bakre萨达姆政权Raza和弗朗西斯·牛顿Souza。


Art is a very diverse human activity which results in visual media like painting, sculpture, printmaking and photography. In a broader sense art includes music, dance, theatre, films. These can be described as performing art. Art is created and enjoyed all over the world by people for various reasons. Art extends and enablesacommon visual language. This language means no word, no language and can impact masses. Every art can mean different to different individuals. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is the best example of this. Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most famous and most talked artists of all time.

There are many famous modern Chinese painters include Chang Ta Chien, HuangBinhong, Qi Baishi, Pan Tianshou, Wu Changshi, Fu Baoshi, XuBeihong,WangKangle and Zhang Chongren. All artists were promoted to show Social Realism. Most of the work reflected was about the life of farmers and social workers (Clunas, C. 1994). Also in early 1990s government seemed to be interfering with artists. Artists were punished and arrested for creating paintings against government philosophies. There are many contemporary visual artists including Kong BaiJi, LüShengzhong, Ma Liüming, QiüShihhüa, Song Dong, Lei Wei, Christine Wang, Wang Güangyi, WendaGü, Xü Bing, Yang Zhichao, Zhan Wang, ZhengLianjie, Zhang Dali,AiWeiwei, CaiGüoqiang, Fang Lijün, FüWenjün, Hüang Yang, Hüang Yong Ping, Han Yajüan,ZhoüChünya, ZhüYü, Ma Kelü, Ding Fang, Zhang Xiaogang, Zhang Hüan, and Shang Yang. Abanindranath Tagore (1871-1951), widely regarded as father of modern Indian arts. He introduced revamped Asian art. He clubbed art with nationalism and created a new effect. He established School of Arts in Bengal. Other artists of the Tagore family,like Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941) and Gaganendranath Tagore (1867–1938) as well as some new artists of the early 20th century like Amrita Sher-Gil (1913–1941), they were responsible for includingunique western styles into Indian Art and filled a novelty. There were some artists who were mainly inspired by folk traditions. Some of those artists are Jamini Roy and later S.H. Raza.Post-Independence Progressive artists’ group was formed by six artists H. A. Gade, M.F. Husain, K. H. Ara, S. K. Bakre, S.H. Raza and Francis Newton Souza.
