


网站的创建主要是为了树立企业和品牌的社会知名度。消费者将被允许创建自己的数字角色,而不是游戏化理论。消费者将被允许创建自己的数字人物和忠诚徽章。定制服务选项将根据他们的要求创建,个人成就将在网站上庆祝。将会有个人奉献部分,允许消费者访问他们的Facebook和Twitter页面。用户还可以通过同一个网站将自己的账户整合到移动应用中(Charlesworth, 2014)。将有一个应用程序,将整合在网站上提供的健身概念。应用程序将是网站信息的扩展。

促销信息也会出现在像Wild Oats和Better Food Company这样的有机健康商店。对于在有机食品商店注册的用户,将会推出一些现金返还优惠。这将增加产品的可见性。


品牌将根据社会认知理论进行创造。Twitter账号、Facebook账号、Instagram账号将整合到网站中(Charlesworth, 2014)。培训师将介绍他们的个人成就,以及他们如何对消费者有用。

为了与社会建立联系,将强调定期锻炼的重要性。这一事实是众所周知的。然而,消费者倾向于回避它所需要的体力劳动和与健身房相关的感知成本。社会认知理论认为,人们会模仿同龄人的行为(Charlesworth, 2014)。用户将被要求,如果他们可以使用地理标签的概念,以显示他们的位置。这完全由用户自行决定。当他们认为没有必要的时候,他们可以随时切换这个功能。正因为如此,朋友和同龄人将会意识到一个人给予健康的重要性。由此,预计会有更多的人想尝试类似的空间。

新西兰作业代写 :数字媒体渠道

The media channels that will be most utilized are Social media, website, mobile apps, search engine optimization and ad word purchase. Integration of all these tools would be done in order to develop profiles and customize requirements.
Primarily, in order to establish business and create social awareness of the brand, website will be created. Consumers will be allowed to create their own digital persona in lieu of Gamification theory. Consumers will be allowed to create their own digital persona and loyalty badges. Customized service options will be created in accordance with their requirements and individual accomplishments will be celebrated in the site. There will be individual dedicates sections that would allow the consumers to access their Facebook and Twitter pages. From the same website, users can also integrate their accounts in mobile apps (Charlesworth, 2014). There will be app that will integrate the fitness concept provided in the website. Apps will be an extension of the website information.
Promotional messages will also be featured in organic health shops like Wild Oats, and Better Food Company. Some cash back offers will be promoted for the users who register from the organic food stores. This will increase visibility of the product.
In order to make the site visible, consumers will be Ad Word and keyword will be devised. Search engine optimization will be given importance. They are one of the most important digital media channels that are utilized for consumers to collect information and find required services.
Branding will be created in accordance with social cognitive theory. Twitter account, Facebook account and Instagram account will be integrated into the website (Charlesworth, 2014). Trainers will be featured about their individual accomplishments and how they can be useful to the consumers.
In an effort to establish with the social community, importance of regular exercise will be emphasized. This fact is ubiquitously known. Nevertheless, consumers tend to shy away from the physical efforts it requires and the perceived costs associated with gyms. Social Cognitive theory states that people emulate actions of their peers (Charlesworth, 2014). Users will be requested if they can use geo-tagging concept in order to show their whereabouts. This is strictly according to the discretion of the user. They can switch of this feature any time when they deem it to be not necessary. Owing to this, friends and peers will be made aware of the importance of health given by a particular individual. From this, it is expected that more people will want to try out similar spaces.
