

  人员和政府需要找到相互协作的方法,并找到减少操作之间的差距的方法。政府制定《土著人民权利宣言》的具体方式之一是确保生存、尊严和安全的最低标准有所不同。联合国大会于2007年通过了该宣言(Beresford, Partington & Gower, 2012)。土著人民和世界各地政府之间20多年的谈判达到了高潮。澳大利亚政府在2009年宣布支持这些空想家。



  必须消除对不同群体的忧虑态度和消极态度。所有的团队成员必须互相承诺,创造一个友好的环境。学习干预需要更多地以文化为基础。土著人有丰富的文化。这些文化内涵需要被用来教导学生关于不同的方式可以教学生(Altman & Hickson, 2010)。教育制度必须以土地的文化为基础。必须努力将两种文化融合在一起,并教授基本的数学概念。必须训练更多的土著后裔教师来教导人民。文章需要做出切实的努力(Prout, 2009)。需要培养更多的意识和沟通来创造一个有凝聚力的氛围。

新西兰作业代写 :土著人民的教育问题

  The people and the government need to find ways to work with each other and find ways to reduce the gaps between the operations. One of the tangible ways in which the government wanted to develop the “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” was to ensure that the minimum standards of the survival, dignity, security are found to be different. The declaration was found to be adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in the 2007 (Beresford, Partington & Gower, 2012). There was culmination of more than 20 years of negotiation between the indigenous people and the governments across the world. The Australian government announced its support to these ideologues in 2009.

  The teachers need to develop empathy and understand the culture of the people. There must be real efforts taken to practice empathy and make the teaching content in lieu of the culture. There must be cultural education and infusion of the techniques to make the people more aware of the subject content.

  Commitment Statement

  There must be removal of the apprehensive attitude and the negative attitude against the different groups. All the members of the groups must be committed to each other to create an amiable environment. The learning interventions need to be more culture based. The Aboriginal people have a rich culture. These cultural connotations need to be used to teach the students about the different ways in which the students can be taught (Altman & Hickson, 2010). The educational system must be based on the culture of the land. There must be efforts taken to infuse the two cultures and teach the basic mathematics concepts. More teachers of indigenous descent must be trained to teach the people. The tangible efforts need to be made by the essay (Prout, 2009). More awareness and communication needs to be fostered to create a cohesive atmosphere.
