


interests and the course layout
interests and the course layout includes all of my interest fields as well as my ultimate goal. The program would help me gain adeptness in normative, economic, quantitative, and political analysis and then I would be able to pursue advanced study within my chosen specialization. Through this course, I would be able to enhance significant soft skills and managerial skills like team work and composition and creation of presentations. However, my inclination is more towards learning the manner of analysing problems and thinking creatively for coming up with innovative advancements towards policy issues.

The domain of public policy has demonstrated a high growth in Europe and North America. I believe that as a young professional, embarking on public service career, I need a background for better understanding and better performance.
One of the fields that I find most interesting is the analysis of the international economic policy. I believe that it is our responsibility for participating in civic affairs. The absolute government intervention in community, economy, as well as the affairs of the world makes it important to study public policy. It is a vital subject from the perspective of government spending. There are a lot of public services that are utilized by us and by pursuing this course; I will be able to strengthen my knowledge in the area.