

观看与竞选有关的政治视频的年轻人比例从2006年的19%上升到31%。在见证了2008年social media的使用效果后,各政党都改变了议程,将越来越多的social media纳入其中进行宣传。现在,每个政党都在使用社交媒体进行宣传和竞选。自2009年以来,Facebook已经增长了大约5亿(Shirky, 2011)。据一位来自美国的媒体顾问表示,在当今时代,不仅年轻人,而且不同年龄段的人都在使用Facebook和twitter等媒体平台。事实上,近年来老年用户的数量显著增加。值得注意的是,在当今时代,值得注意的是,竞选者都是立法官员,他们非常关注人民。


最近在政治竞选中使用Facebook也缩小了民主党和共和党之间的差距。这些政党通常组成政治网络战略家,为政府机构制定不同的战略。由于社交媒体的存在,共和党和民主党之间的差距也在缩小。同样的一个例子是民主党在2008年大选中使用社交媒体,共和党在2010年大选中使用社交媒体。在这两种提升中,双方的积极分子之间有不同的水平(Hong和Nadler, 2012)。在此之前,有一种观点认为,由于奥巴马的受欢迎程度,社交网络一直处于自由派的控制之下。但事实证明,在2010年大选之后,这种观点是错误的。许多美国人表示,与其他报纸相比,他们更愿意在社交媒体网站上阅读政治新闻。根据皮尤报告的调查,大约61%的人认为互联网改变了政治竞选的方式。通过它,他们能够从其他渠道获得一个特定政党的更广泛的视角。

学术论文代写 :社交媒体如何改变了当今的政治运动?

From 19 % in 2006, the number of youths who view political videos related to the campaigns, increased to 31 %. After witnessing the effects of the use of social media in 2008, all the political parties changed their agenda and included more and more social media for the purpose of promotion. In the present time, each and every political party is using social media for the purpose of promotion and campaigning. Since 2009, there has been an increase of around half a billion in Facebook (Shirky, 2011). According to a medium consultant from USA, in the present times, it not only youths but the people belonging to different age groups have been using the media platforms such as Facebook and twitter in the present times. In fact, the older users in recent times have been increasing on a significant note. It has been noted that in the present times, it is notable that the campaigners are legislative officers who are giving a lot of attention to the people.
In addition to this, the Facebook is being used for a large number of purposes in the present times. According to the Facebook page of US politics where the uses of Facebook by the politicians have been highlighted, Obama has held a love town hall meeting through the use of Facebook. This shows how important Facebook has become in the present times for the campaigners. Also, in the year 2009, it was observed that the Justin Amash began to post the information related to each and every vote given by the Michigan House of Representatives. Further, he began to post his own votes on the social networking site along with the detailed explanation for each one of them. After the elections, he said that he got a lot of support from the people and it was because of Facebook that he got a lot of credibility.
The recent usage of Facebook in political campaigns has also closed the gap between the democrats and the republicans. The parties use to form political online strategists who formulate different strategies for the government agencies. Because of social media, the gap which exists between the republicans and democrats is also diminishing. An example of the same is the use of social media during the 2008 elections by democrats and the same by the republicans in the election of 2010. In both these promotions there was different kind of leveling between the activists on both the sides (Hong and Nadler, 2012). Before this, it was the notion that the social networking has been under the control of liberals because of the popularity of Obama. But, it proved to be wrong after 2010 elections. A number of Americans have stated that they are more comfortable reading about the political news in the social media websites in comparison to other newspapers. According to the survey by Pew report, around 61 % people agree then the internet has changed the way political campaigns are done. Through it, they are able to get a wider view of a specific political party which they got from the other sources.
