

Anna’s speech was an attention grabber from the beginning. Her conclusion left audience with a thought and a call to action. She begin her conclusion with a thoughtful statement that none of the school has daily classes for art and music but all schools have one for science, math and other academics (Ken Robbinson,2006). She then used a very nice phrase that this problem is all about mentality of our society and the mindset. If this problem has to eradicate from society, the mindset has to be changed. There are many ways for repetition anaphora and repeating keywords throughout your speech. Anna used both of these tactics very well in her speech. She spoke with a pace which is very easy to follow. She articulates her words very cleverly and use pauses in between sentences very effectively. She also knows how to connect with the audience emotionally and involve them into the speech. She has a very expressive and vibrant personality. Finally, she ends her speech with a high note that the creativity crisis in the today’s generation and it’s a high time when schools should blend innovation with knowledge.

安娜的演讲是一个从一开始就关注打捞工具。她的结论给观众留下了思想和行动的召唤。她开始与一个深思熟虑的结论声明,没有学校日常类艺术和音乐,但所有的学校有一个科学,数学和其他学者(Ken Robbinson 2006)。随后,她用一个很好的词,这个问题都是关于我们社会的心态和思维方式。如果这个问题必须从社会、消除观念必须改变。的方法有很多重复照应手段和重复的关键词在你的演讲。安娜在她运用了这两种策略很好讲话。她说话速度这是非常容易理解。她清楚她的话非常巧妙和使用停顿在句子非常有效。她还知道如何与观众情感和涉及到的演讲。她有一个非常富有表现力和充满活力的个性。最后,她结束了她的演讲注意创造力高的危机在今天的一代,这是一个高的时候学校应该用知识融合创新。
