



在讨论吴宇森和亚洲和西方的传统时,Kenneth Hall认为“吴利用西方和东方的电影技巧和象征性的内容,呈现出丰富了动作类型的混合体”(霍尔)。电影从香港有一个传统的混合新与旧,东方和西方。尤其是吴的电影,都展示了Kenneth Hall所讨论的亚洲和西方传统的元素。吴在他的故事中表现了与武士伦理相似的价值体系。这几乎和故事中的警察一样,凶手也不属于他们被创造的年龄。在他的大多数电影吴宇森带来这种强烈的公义与武士甚至禅文化在禅宗大师在Sanjuro戏仿视感(厅)。而电视剧或模仿正常的电影有更多的独立性如何塑造文化元素,可以说,动作片电影可能不是循规蹈矩。动作类电影制作者将难以投入大量的主人公和对抗者的对抗,以便在两者之间进行文化创造。然而,吴证明了他的美好明天是错误的,因为他能够注入这种对抗,同时呈现出象征趋势和文化文物。


The story A Better Tomorrow is about brothers Ho and Kit. Ho is Kit’s elder brother, who is involved in criminal activities and Ho keeps his brother in the dark about the criminal undertakings he is involved in. Advised to change his ways Ho lands into trouble after trouble and gets arrested after a heist. He gets released after three years and attempts to reconnect with Kit, during which time he also attempts to redeem his past ways. However, as his past beckons, Ho refuses to join any gangs and this leads to a situation where Ho fights against the very gangster life than he was in, finally surrendering to the authorities. The screenplay was very crisp and it stayed true to the concept of the movie. This movie was eventually released to the international audience owing to its immense popularity in the local context.

In discussing John Woo and the Asian and Western traditions, Kenneth Hall argues that “Woo draws on Western and Eastern film techniques and symbolic content to present a mixture which enriches the action genre” (Hall). Movies from Hong Kong do have a tradition of mixing the old and the new, the west and the east. Most of Woo’s movies in particular have presented elements of Asian and western traditions that Kenneth Hall discusses. Woo presents value system in his stories that are similar to a samurai ethic. It is almost as of the police presented in the stories and the killers do not belong to the age that they were created for. In most of his movies Woo brings about this strong sense of righteousness connected to the Samurai and sometimes even Zen cultures as seen in the parody of Zen masters in Sanjuro (Hall). While normal movies of a drama or a parody have more independence in how they portray elements of culture, it can be said that action genre movies might not be as conformist. Action genre movie makers will have a difficult time infusing the right amount of protagonist and antagonist confrontations, so as to be present cultural artefacts in between. However, Woo proves this wrong with his A Better Tomorrow as he is able to infuse such confrontations and at the same time present symbolic trends and cultural artefacts.