

近几十年来,企业改制导致了管理层薪酬制度的实质性转变。这一变化过程的主要组成部分是更广泛地实施基于奖金的激励制度,根据管理者自身的绩效来奖励他们(Whitley and Glaser, 2014)。然而,即使许多当代组织在薪酬制度中使用奖金,重要的是了解改组如何影响管理奖励和组织绩效。此外,作为一个组织及其管理者,有不同偏好提供奖励,重要的是要有一个完整的理解的组合激励管理者和关键需求评估一个组织,如果一个组织有更大的权力从经理讨价还价(希特et al ., 2012)。公司所有者可以选择使用奖金作为增加工资和晋升范围的选项,这不仅是由于结构限制晋升和加薪的因素,也是由于工资增长速度和流动性放缓的原因。作为一种相反的观点,经理们应该优先考虑奖金应该作为其他奖励的补充,或者只有当结构因素限制提供一些其他奖励时,才必须使用奖金。

偶尔,公司会遇到运营和财务上的困难,这可能导致它们的灭亡。企业避免完全关闭的一个关键方法是重组。这有助于降低金融损失的严重程度和水平。重组还包括与持有股权的所有者和投资者以及控制整体债务的债权人和贷款人协商各种立场(Hill et al., 2014)。

英文简历 :不成功重组的案例研究

Since current decades, corporate restructuring has resulted in the substantial transformation of reward systems of the management. The main component for this process of change has been the broader implementation of incentive systems based on bonus designed for rewarding managers as per their own performance (Whitley and Gläser, 2014). Yet even though a number of contemporary organizations utilize bonuses in the systems of compensation, it is important to understand how restructuring impact managerial incentives and organizational performance. In addition, as an organization along with its managers are known to be having varying preference to provide reward, it is important to have a complete understanding about the combination of incentives for managers in an organization with key requirement to assess, if an organization has greater power to bargain from its managers or not (Hitt et al., 2012). The owners of a company can show preference for using bonuses as options to increase salary and scope of promotions, not only due to the factors of structure limiting promotions and increasing salary, but also for slowing down the rates of wage growth and mobility. As a contrasting view, managers should show preference in the fact that bonuses should be supplementing other reward, or that there must be use of bonuses only when factors of structure limit to provide a number of other rewards.
On occasional basis, companies end up encountering operational and financial difficulties that could result in their demise. One crucial way in which corporations end up avoiding a complete shutdown is by a restructuring. This is helpful in reducing the severity and level of losses in finance. Restructuring further involves to negotiate various position considered by owners and investors holding the equity and creditors and lender controlling the overall debt (Hill et al., 2014).
