英文论文代写 姑息治疗



After establishing the maximum strength of evidence based on these domains, grading the cumulative evidences is done. The possible grades are:
 High: if the evidence reflects the true effect, confidence for EBP is high and it is unlikely to change the estimates for future research
 Moderate: evidences reflecting the true effect. Further research can be done that may change the level of confidence in the estimate of effectiveness of quality and may change the estimate further.
 Low: here, further research is most likely to change confidence in the estimate of effectiveness of healthcare systems and processes along with new estimate.
 Insufficient: strength of evidence is considered insufficient when evidence is either unavailable or cannot be used in a decision making process.

Palliative care, hospice care and end-of-life care are addressed here, to understand more about evidence based practice importance. Palliative care can be defined as medical care that has a focus on improving the quality of life of such people who are suffering from serious or life-threatening disease. It is often provided as quality improvement intervention and emphasized on communication, pain and symptom management, and coordinated care. End-of-life care is delivered to such patients who are dying, and it is recognized as a small division of palliative care. Hospice care is also considered as a division of palliative care where a care delivery system is used for better care and insurance benefit for patients.






