英文论文代写 品牌回忆



Brand recall according to Wikipedia (2011) requires unaided recall and aided recall. Unaided recall is when a in a market research, respondents are asked to name some brands from any product category while aided awareness or recall is when a list of brands are shown to respondents and the express familiarity with it.

For extreme brand exposure, unaided recall in relation to a company’s competitor is very important. The brand, which is recalled first, is referred to as the top-of-mind awareness. Brands with top of mind awareness have an edge over other brands when a purchase decision is being taken by the consumer and companies can gain competitive advantage because of it (Brand awareness, 2011). To test the brand recognition, logos and taglines can be used for instance Nike’s ‘just do it’ represents a higher level of brand recognition (Brand awareness, 2011)


