

作为一项研究,美食学源于反思式的饮食实践,后来被连接到包括整个烹饪和食物准备的经验以及(Lee et al., 2015)。在当今时代,美食学可以被定义为对食物生产的理解和研究,从食物的产地,如何生产,当地文化对消费和生产的影响,这种食物实践的意义,食物的化学,等等。现在根据对这个定义的理解,可以这样说,为进行研究而进行的两次访问既反映了土地的文化实践,也反映了食物的化学成分。在铁板烧,许多不同的食物分类会吸引游客的注意力,比如食物是如何呈现的,食物是如何制作的,准备工作的背后是什么等等。同样,在酒窖的情况下,葡萄酒的陈酿过程也越来越成为游客体验的一部分。

英语论文代写 :美食对旅游业的影响

旅游研究表明,美食对旅游业的影响越来越大。更具体地说,据观察,截至2013年,大约38%的欧洲人会根据自己对欧盟国家或其他国家饮食文化的一些认知,到这些国家旅游。报告还指出,欧洲旅游业也试图基于这些理念进行创新,使产品多样化,并根据吸引顾客的需要开辟新的市场。因此,美食被认为是这里选择目的地的主要动机之一(Tomas & Sandra, 2012)。在美国游客的案例中,同样可以看到美食对影响旅游决策的不同因素的影响。人们看到,到其他国家旅游的美国游客在旅行时,会根据烹饪法对国家进行排名。事实上,人们被葡萄酒和美食领域的特定活动所吸引。他们可能期望在美食方面的独特性,在这样的背景下,像铁板烧这样的地方给游客带来了美食和独特性。他们不仅能品尝食物,而且还能参加当地的活动。

英语论文代写 :美食对旅游业的影响

Gastronomy as a study is derived from reflective eating practices and later was connected to include the entire cooking and food preparation experience as well (Lee et al., 2015). In current times, gastronomy can hence be defined as the understanding and studying of the production of foods, from where it is produced, how it is produced, the local cultural influences on consumption and production the meaning of such food practices, the chemistry of food, etc. Now in this understanding of the definition, it can be said that the two visits undertaken for research both reflect on the cultural practices of land and also the chemistry of food. In Teppanyaki, the many different breakdowns of food would attract a tourist’s attention on how the food is presented, how it is made what goes behind the preparation and more. Similarly, in the case of the wine cellar, the wine, the aging process and more becomes part of the tourist experience.

英语论文代写 :美食对旅游业的影响

It has been established in research studies in tourism that gastronomy has a growing impact on tourism. More specifically it is observed that as of 2013, around 38 percent of Europeans would actually make a tour in European Union States or other countries based on some perception they had of the food culture there. The report goes on to state that European tourism also attempts to innovate based on such ideas, diversify their offerings and also open newer markets based on their need to attract customers. Cuisine was hence considered as one of the main motivations here for choosing a destination (Tomás & Sandra, 2012). A similar impact of gastronomy on the different factors affecting tourism decision making is also seen in the case of tourists from the United States. It was seen that American tourists who visited other countries were seen to rank countries by gastronomy when making their trip. People are in fact seen to be attracted to specific activities in the context of the wine and fine dining sector. They might expect uniqueness in fine dining and in such contexts, places such as Teppanyaki brings both the fine dining and the uniqueness aspect to the tourist. They not only get to relish the food but they also get to participate in activities in the place.
