

如果不把适当的信息传递给劳动力,就会引起流言蜚语和恐慌,特别是在大规模的调整,如合并或裁减劳动力的时候。员工需要了解发生在组织中的环境,无论是好的还是坏的(Anderson and Anderson, 2001)。当高级官员不向他们传递信息时,工作人员会感到不安全,他们可能还会觉得自己在决策过程中不是组织的组成部分。组织有责任在实施修改的同时,经常提供有关战略、程序、战术和增长的所有相关信息(Wheelen and Hunger, 2000)。重要的是,在决策过程进行时,通过会议或小组讨论在一定程度上调动所有员工的积极性,以便他们能够协助组织的发展阶段。、

作文代写 :组织决策过程中员工的信息传输和反对

在某些情况下,工人拒绝接受修改。他们对公司运作的方法感到满意。他们知道自己对公司的潜力和责任。然而,当一个公司进行了大规模的变革,它阻碍了他们的经验,因为很少有工人碰巧被打扰(David, 2003)。工人们不准备改变他们的工作领域和方法。另一方面,如果员工有适当的准备,并为他们的新角色提供适当的指导,那么这可能会以一种简单的方式促进这种修改。员工对变革的抗拒和赞助问题一样常见(David, 2001)。对工作人员的抗拒作出贡献的不同领域缺乏对为什么正在发生这种特殊变化的适当了解;长期任职的职员不准备接受改变;失去对工作程序的所有权和控制权,最后是对未来局势的威胁,涉及工作安全问题。

作文代写 :组织决策过程中员工的信息传输和反对

If proper information is not transmitted to workforce, then it may give rise to gossips and situation of panic, specifically when vast modification such as amalgamation or reduction of labour force. Workforce need to be acquainted with the circumstances taking place in an organization whether it is in a good or bad way (Anderson and Anderson, 2001). Workforce feels insecure when higher level official do not transit information to them and may also feel that they are not an integral element of the organization in decision making process. Its a responsibility of an organization to provide all the relevant information frequently about strategy, procedures, tactics and growth while execution of the modification (Wheelen and Hunger, 2000). It is important to engage all workforce to an extent via conference or at group discussion while decision making process is going such that they may assist development stages of the organization.

作文代写 :组织决策过程中员工的信息传输和反对

In some of the cases, workers refuse to accept the modifications. They feel pleasant with the methods company is functioning. They have an idea of the potential and their responsibility towards the corporation. However, when a vast alteration is done in a company, it obstructs their experience due to which few workmen happen to be disturbed (David, 2003). Workmen are not ready to modify their domain and methods of working. On the other hand, if workforce are braced up properly and given proper guidance for their fresh roles, then it may facilitate such modification in an easy way. Staff resistance towards change has been observed as often as sponsorship problem (David, 2001). Different areas making contribution towards resistance from staff members take in absence of proper understanding as to why the particular change is taking place; long-tenured staff members not ready to accept the change; loss of ownership and control of work procedures and lastly, threat of the future situation, involving issues over job safety。
