



案例研究代写 :借助图表来表达信息的研究分析

人类能够轻易处理的信息是有限的。每当有人试图解决任何问题时,人们可能希望减少他们处理重要信息的努力(Newell & Simon, 1972)。为了解决其他一些复杂的场景,人们使用越来越简单的策略来限制要使用的信息。这种战略可能有助于人们实现其努力的准确性和经济性(Payne et al, 1993)。这一趋势的结果是,人们可能会倾向于借助图表以一种完全可视化的方式获取信息。这是因为这些图表提供了对每个信息的即时和更好的概述。当设计师所设计的图形以一种恰当、准确的方式构建时,会引起读者的注意,帮助他们有一个直接的解释(Kosslyn, 1989;施密德和施密德,1979)。它还有助于以定量的方式交流和处理信息。然而,无论何时,当图形的设计方式很差,所要求提供给观众的信息可能是不正确的。

案例研究代写 :借助图表来表达信息的研究分析

The presentation of the information includes the joint process which is related to the understanding of what is to be said and the process involving saying the same. Since the graphs are pictorial representation, they can be very helpful in the presentation of the financial information. After doing the analysis of the graphs it is important that the correct style of the graph has been selected. Before making any kind of presentation, it is very important to understand the message which is required to be communicated with the help of the graph.

案例研究代写 :借助图表来表达信息的研究分析

There is a limit to the information which can be easily processed by the human beings. Whenever someone tends to solve any problem, the people may wish to diminish the effort which is given by them for processing of the important information (Newell & Simon, 1972). In order to solve some other kind of complicated scenarios, people uses more and more simplified strategies in order to restrict the information which is to be used. Such kinds of strategies may be helpful for the people to achieve accuracy and economy of their efforts (Payne et al, 1993). As a result of this tendency the people may be prone to get the information in a completely visual manner with the help of the graphs. This is because the graphs provide a instantaneous and the better overview of each and every information. When the graphs designed by the designer are constructed in a proper and an accurate manner, it catches the attention of the readers and helps them to have a direct interpretation (Kosslyn, 1989; Schmid & Schmid, 1979). It also helps in the communication and processing of information in a quantitative manner. Though, whenever the graphs are designs in a poor manner, the information which is required to be given to the viewer may not be correct 。