

  本篇代寫論文-中國城市化帶來的影響講了在一個有趣的觀察中,我們可以看到,中國城市的一半是由大城市郊區的農村城市化造成的。因此,只有上海、北京、廣州三個城市發展成爲特大城市,而幾乎沒有一個城市的規模是這些特大城市的一半。這些導致了人口的微小集中在這三、四個城市和其他城市,儘管有巨大的潛力卻被拋在後面或忽略了。本篇代寫論文文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  In an interesting observation, it is seen that half of China’s urban making is the urbanization of the rural regions lying on the outskirts of mega cities. Therefore, only three cities, Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou have evolved into large mega cities whereas there are hardly any cities which are even half of the size of these mega cities. These have led to a minute concentration of population in these three or four cities and the others, in spite of having tremendous potential have been left behind or ignored. The migration has happened so fast that the anticipated demand has been misjudged and now there are more rural migrants without job in urban cities (Chen, Liu and Wang, 2011). This has also in turn impacted the growth of the urban dwellers as they have also been marginalised for their growth prospects. The migration was more than the anticipated demand and led to joblessness for many rural and urban dwellers. The growing number of unemployed migrants and the existent population are feared to grow their tendency to other non-productive practices which can be harmful for the society as well. The growing numbers of migrants have raised the demand of cars, automobiles, lessen the demand for bicycles. The environment has been deteriorating rapidly, and traffic problems are demanding more intra city and inter-city roads. Involving all citizens in social schemes and including maximum people in the financial inclusion plans of the government are some of the problems and issues that have emerged out of the uncontrollable population growth. These impacts are underestimated under the current period assuming it is a temporal phenomenon but it is surely long term and can create large gaps between what is actual reality and what are the possibilities of resolving the issues due to migration or population growth.
