代写文章 :安全气囊传感器的类型


代写文章 :安全气囊传感器的类型

安全气囊系统的主要成功依赖于碰撞传感器。设计用于在发生事故时警告车辆的小型电子元件称为碰撞传感器(Punetha, Deepak, Deepak Kumar, and Vartika, 2012)。碰撞传感器对不同的刺激有不同的反应,例如汽车的突然停车,当汽车的部件由于碰撞的力量而移动时,压力增加等等。

在汽车上主要有两种类型的安全气囊传感器,即机械和电气。电子传感器的设计各不相同。在一些设计中采用了“球管式”机电机构。该机构由一个小磁铁将一个包含电路开关和球的小管连接在一起(Griffin, Russell, 2012, p-916)。球在发生碰撞时从磁铁上脱落,然后它在管子里向前滚动,管子碰到开关,完成了电路。在其他电气设计中,用金属滚轮或弹簧来代替球的原理。最新的汽车使用加速计来绊倒传感器。机械传感器的工作是独立于电力系统的,但它们的响应方式与电力传感器类似。该机械传感器的设计是通过一个点火销驱动,在碰撞后触发一个小爆炸。机械传感器不需要电源,与电传感器一样,机械传感器不能关闭,而如果电池断开,电传感器可以关闭。安全气囊系统的成功依赖于碰撞传感器的快速性和准确性。因此,传感器包括技术先进和最昂贵的部分的安全气囊系统。

尽管安全气囊充满氮气,但它已经在一定程度上排出了氮气,如果人体接触到氮气,它的排气量并不等于倍耐力P7的径向排气量。在意外情况下,气囊的最大压力小于5psi (Kahane, 2015)。在最新和先进的安全气囊有多级装置的压力和膨胀速度是根据乘员的大小,需要保护很好地调整。座椅位置和乘员质量传感器提供了必要的信息作出决定。SDM也知道正在使用安全带或儿童防护带。与第一代安全气囊模型相比,现代和智能安全气囊在确保安全的情况下,在充气时使用的力更小。在最新的控制系统中,使用了更多不同类型的安全气囊,它们在预防额外情况下的伤害方面发挥着至关重要的作用。在有侧翻和侧面撞击的情况下,前气囊是无用的,但在现代汽车中,有许多安全气囊安装在不同的位置。

代写文章 :安全气囊传感器的类型

The major success of the airbag systems depend on the crash sensors. The small pieces of electronics that are designed for warning the vehicles in case of any damages due to accidents are known as crash sensors (Punetha, Deepak, Deepak Kumar, and Vartika, 2012). There are different set of stimuli to which the crash sensors respond such as a sudden stop of the vehicle, increased pressure in case where the pieces of the car moves because of the force of the collision etc.
In cars mainly there are two types of airbag sensors are used i.e. mechanical and electrical. The electric sensors have variations in their designs. In some designs the “ball and tube” electromechanical mechanism is used. A small tube containing a circuit switch and ball are held together by a small magnet is consisted under this mechanism(Griffin, Russell, 2012, p-916). The ball gets dislodged from the magnet during the occurrence of collision and then it rolls forward in the tube that hits the switch for completing the electrical circuit. In other electrical designs the principle in which the metal roller or spring loaded weight is used instead of a ball. An accelerometer is used in latest cars for tripping the sensor. The working of mechanical sensors is independent of the electrical systems but they respond in the similar manner like the electric sensors. The mechanical sensor has the design through which a firing pin is actuated with which a small explosion is triggered after a crash. A power source is not required by the mechanical sensor and like an electrical sensor the mechanical sensor cannot be deactivated whereas the electrical sensor can be deactivated if the battery is disconnected. It is the quickness and accuracy of the crash sensors on which the success of the airbag system depends. Therefore the sensors comprises of the technologically advanced and most expensive part of the airbag system.
Even though the airbag is filled with nitrogen gas it already vents to an extent that in case a human body comes into contacts it does not run equal to the completely inflated Pirelli P7 radial. In the event of an accidental situation the maximum pressure with which the airbags are composed of is less than 5 psi (Kahane, 2015). In the latest and advanced airbags having multistage devices the pressure and the inflation speed is well adjusted according to the occupant’s size that requires protection. The seat-position and occupant mass sensors provide information essential for making the determinations. It is also known by the SDM that the belt or the child resistant is in use. Less force is used by the modern and smart airbags for inflation in cases where the conditions are warranted and they are significantly safe in comparison to the airbag models of the first generation. In latest control systems more and different types of airbags are used that play a crucial role in the prevention of the injuries in additional situations. In situations when there are rollovers and side impacts types of accidents then the front airbags are useless but in modern vehicles there are many airbags mounted in different locations.