留学 论文代写:种族和歧视的案例分析


留学 论文代写:种族和歧视的案例分析


留学 论文代写:种族和歧视的案例分析


留学 论文代写:种族和歧视的案例分析

According to Singer, Case Study 2 and 3 are morally impermissible compared to case study 1. First, considering the cases, 2 and 3, in the case of situation 2, the owner of the shop has a solid argument. His fear is that in employing a black person, his racially prejudiced client would go away somewhere else. He is running his business for profit and not to make a loss. Therefore, in order to meet his gains, he has to bar a black person from working there. The owner’s discrimination is very specific here. He is not discriminating just based on race. The owner’s decision to not hire a black person is not personal and does not reflect his own views. However, this does not clear him from the charges of racism.

留学 论文代写:种族和歧视的案例分析

According to Singer, even if he has a very valid reason and his reason does not contribute to racism directly, it indirectly supports the notion. The very notion of racism is not just to ensure that racism is not practiced but also to ensure that an environment for supporting racism or nurturing such attitudes is not encouraged. Now in hiring a black man, it could be that a majority of the clientele might take offense, but with time they would perhaps mend their attitudes or they would learn with time to overcome their racism. There are so many out in the real world who are not racists and who have corrected their attitude. In catering to only a select few clienteles who are racists, it could be said that the cake shop owner is indeed discriminatory.