

本篇文章講的是發展給當地人民帶來的變化有其優點和缺點,從發展的角度來看先進,給了很多當地居民就業,美好生活,獲得成長的機會,更好的教育和醫療,更充滿活力的生活空間和連接通過使用技術(劉、張、張,2010)。這些可能是開發的一些小優勢。摩天大樓似乎以現代的設計和專業的施工技術觸及了天空。全球化和資本主義的到來,在這座城市裡是絕對清晰的。這座城市曾經是一座沉默的精神堡壘,角落裡充斥著哲學話語,高尚的人們踐行著豐富的宗教價值觀。最受影響的是那些相信舊時代的豐富性,以及他們的文化是如何從年輕人眼前溜走的人。本篇論文代筆文章由新西蘭第一論文Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。
The area from a development point of view has been advanced and has given a lot to the local people like employment, good life, access to opportunities to grow, better education and healthcare, and more vibrant and connected living spaces through the use of technology( Liu, Zhang and Zhang, 2010). These can be some of the minor advantages of the development among others. The skyscrapers seem to touch the sky with modern designs and construction expertise. The advent of globalisation and capitalism are absolutely clear in the city which once was a silent and spiritual fortress with philosophical discourses at the corners, and honourable people practicing rich religious values. The most impacted are those that believe in the richness of the old times and how their culture is slipping out of the youths in front of their eyes.
People of the past had to carry water from one place to another and now it seems that every house has a tap that has continuous water flowing. The pain of walking according to the current population has been replaced with the availability of modern cars, bikes, etc. Although some people still use the old way to travel by bicycle. The change has majorly come during the industrialization period after the 1950s right up to the millennium by when it was considered to be an important financial district. The people’s perception has changed a lot about the way the current generation views the liberation monument. They are sometimes not happy with the liberal attitude shown by the younger generation about the relevance of the monument to their lives.
The local people have seen all changes with their own eyes and are part satisfied and part unsatisfied, but broadly satisfied as for the fear of being called as ant-developmental. The advent of modern transportation system like monorails, trams, underground railways and highways, have been speaking about the provisions made to people of making life easier and giving more time for being productive(Ping et al., 2012). The living density of the region has become so problematic that underground transportation is seen as a solution to the rising traffic problems (Jin and Xiaoyu, 2007).
The disadvantages of development are traffic congestion, deteriorating quality of water, pollution through vehicular movements. In addition, the mixed breed of culture of younger generation is finding it difficult to relate to others. The more development it is witnessing, the more pollution it is experiencing from construction activities. Natural resources are depleting, and there is a threat of water and food scarcity. The development has been more destroying for the long run and the impacts are only beginning to emerge. The culture is becoming more modern and western influence is the most dominating in the current stage. The religious values have not been intact but they have become more sporadic and the lifestyle of the Chinese has become more western and modern. The culture mixing can have devastating impacts on a long term and the seeds have been sown.