




两次仿真的经验表明,通信介质在实现这一目标中起着非常重要的作用。论文代写在第一个模拟中,交流是通过社交网站聊天进行的。这不仅阻碍了有效的沟通,而且还会让你分心,比如和朋友聊天,上传照片等等。这些干扰会对互动产生影响。还有其他一些因素,比如无法倾听其他想法,因为打字消耗时间,也缺乏协调。缺乏互动是可以看到的,这对团队目标实现的影响也是可以看到的。可以说,在虚拟团队中,高水平的信任和快速有效的沟通可以通过面对面的互动来实现,论文代写而不是通过计算机作为媒介(Alge et. al., 2003)。



There are three categories of task focused leadership i.e. initiating structure, transactional and boundary spanning (2006). In boundary spanning support from people outside the team is taken to complete the task. In case of initiating structure the focus is on minimum ambiguity and conflict. The transactional structure task focused leadership has to be employed in situations such as Everest simulation as resources have to be managed while completing the tasks (transactions). In case of task focused leadership roles of 论文代写team members are defined, standards are maintained, proper planning with explicit deadlines are formulated (2011). However, leaders have to be careful that conflicts do not go out of control or the relations are restrained. Since the team is having certain level of diversity, it may be that task forced leadership has to be carefully employed. The decision making of moving from one camp to the other or supply of medication were lacking in both the simulations. In second simulation, there was asthma attack that hit one of the members but the inhaler was not in the kit. The inhaler was eventually provided by another party. The task would have been jeopardy in case inhaler was not obtained from other team. Such issues would have reduced in task focused leadership.