
  本篇论文代写-学生教育体系讲了学校为孩子们制定了特殊的学习策略来帮助他们集中注意力。最主要的是,孩子们得到了可以使用的材料。学生用他们的手作为学习材料,老师指导他们每个人用手。对于有行为需要而无法集中注意力的儿童,已经证实使用手来学习可以使他们有更好的注意力广度。本篇论文代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  The school has special learning strategies for the children to help them focus. Primarily, the children are given hands on materials to work with. The students use their hands as learning materials and the teacher guides each of them in their use with hands. For children with behavioural needs that stop them from focusing, it has been established that the use of hands on learning would enable them to have a better attention span (Turnbull, 1995). The school in ensuring specific lessons are used with teacher support for each student is able to assure the needed student teacher interaction. In the discussions on student requirements, it has been established that these students will require more engagement with the teacher. The Arndell School teaches students in a guided way. Their website states that the school “Increase the amount of modelling, demonstration and guided practice to check the student’s level of understanding” (Ardnell School, 2015a). This form of a structured environment with more quality time with the teacher ensures the student is able to learn better. As of the year 2014, data from mySchool.edu.au indicates that this school has about 11 children enrolled in it. For the 11 children, there are 4 teaching staffs; there are nearly 5 full time equivalent teaching staff and 7 non-teaching helpers (MySchool, 2015). This form of student strength to teacher allotment indicates that teachers might have more direct access to the students.

  Time management is an important criterion for students who want to keep up or excel their peers. In the case of students with social-behavioural issues, time management becomes a problem (Sugai et al, 2000). The Arndell School List helps children manage their time by employing a variety of strategies. Primarily, the school discusses those lessons or activities in which the students will participate in beforehand. This ensures that students are made aware of what they would find to be challenges or blocks in learning with respect to a particular activity or learning (Ardnell School, 2015b). They could hence arrange for the teacher to help them with their time management. Arndell encourages the use of flowcharts in the school. Sometimes maps or even basic checklists are made use of. Students in Arndell are taught to use these in order to ensure they have completed all main points of activities or lessons in a prioritized order and in time. This helps the students in managing their time (Ardnell School, 2015b).

