personal statement 代写:Q因子谐振器


  personal statement 代写:Q因子谐振器


  以正弦方式驱动的谐振器有更高的q因子,这些更高的q因子导致振幅更高的谐振,但在其谐振频率附近的频率范围很小。其中,振荡中发生共振的频率范围称为带宽(Feng et al., 2014)。因此,更高的Q与收音机调谐电路是有问题的调谐时。然而,它也有选择性。因此,它能很好地滤除频谱附近相关站的信号。Q振荡越大,振荡频率越小,稳定性越好。振荡器的质量因子在本质上因系统而异。

  这一因素决定了简单阻尼振荡的定性行为。低q因子的系统称为过阻尼系统。这些系统并不是振荡的。相反,在位移,有一个稳定的输出状态为基础的平衡,它通过衰减的指数性质。从这个角度来看,可以认为稳态值状态是渐进接近的(Hausmann et al., 2013)。它的脉冲响应是两个衰减函数的总和,具有不同的衰减速率。当q因子开始下降时,慢衰减模式相对于快衰减模式开始变强。它进一步控制了系统的响应,导致系统变慢。另一个具有低通、低Q因子的阶跃滤波器的阶跃响应接近一阶。在这里,系统的输出响应通过渐近线方向缓慢上升的阶跃输入。

personal statement 代写:Q因子谐振器

  Difference between higher Q factor and lower Q factor resonators

  Resonators driven in a sinusoidal manner have higher factors of Q. These higher factors result in resonating with higher amplitudes but have small frequency range around such frequency for which they have been resonating. In this, the frequency range for which the resonation in the oscillation takes place is known as the bandwidth (Feng et al., 2014). Therefore, a higher Q with radio receiver tuning circuit is problematic when tuning. However, it further has selectivity. It, therefore, does a good job of signal filtering from related stations lying near the spectrum. Higher Q oscillation results in oscillating with a small frequency range with higher stability. The oscillator’s quality factor varies in nature substantially from one system to the other.

  This factor is responsible for determining the simple damping oscillation qualitative behaviour. Systems with lower Q-factor are something called as over damped. These systems are not such that they oscillate. Instead upon displacement, there is a steady output state based equilibrium which it returns through decay of exponential nature. From this perspective, it can be said that the steady value state is approached in an asymptotical manner (Hausmann et al., 2013). It has impulsive response which is the total of 2 decaying functions exponentially with distinct decay rates. As the Q-factor starts decreasing, the slow mode of decay starts being strong in relation to the fast modes. It further dominates the response of the system which results into making the system slow. Another order filter with lower pass having lower Q factor has a step response of nearly first order. Here, output of the system responds to an input of step through slow rise in the direction of asymptote.